William D. (Bill) Jenkins’ father, Denny Jenkins, established the insurance firm of J. D. Jenkins & Co. in 1955 and in 2001 Bill Jenkins merged J. D. Jenkins & Co. with John H. Connors Insurance of Oahu.

William D. (Bill) Jenkins
- Is a 3rd generation Maui Kama’aina, Married to Riette Jenkins, and we have 3 sons.
- Attended Kaunoa School
- Attended Hawaiʻi Preparatory Academy, Kamuela, Hi
- Graduated from Manhasset High, Manhasset, Long Island NY
- Whittier College, Ca. 1968, BA Business
- 1968 – 1969 : Served the U.S Army, Sgt. Inf., 25th Infantry Division, Tay Ninh, South Vietnam. Award Bronze Star Medal.
- 1969 – 1970 : Career Development Program, Hartford Insurance Group, Hartford, Ct.
- Held positions in Alanta, GA and San Francisco, CA
- 1970 – 1975 : Pacific Insurance Company Ltd., Honolulu, Hi. Marketing Department Manger. A subsidiary of the Hartford Group.
- 1975 – 2001 : Vice President, J.D. Jenkins and Company, Maui Hi
- 1975 – 1978 : Director, Professional Insurance Agents of Hawaiʻi
- 2001 – Present : Senior Vice President, John H. Connors Insurance, Maui Office
John H. Connors Insurance was established in 1972 and today has two Hawaiʻi offices: one on Maui and one on Oahu. We have grown from four employees to more than sixty in 51 years. The Maui location, headed by Senior Vice President William D. (Bill) Jenkins, supports the largest insurance brokerage staff on Maui, handling commercial and personal lines of insurance.